
A head and shoulders shot of Daniel B Frye

Daniel B. Frye, J.D.:

Daniel Frye is launching a new professional venture as the sole proprietor of Daniel B. Frye Consulting Services, a company that is ready and equipped to provide a variety of disability policy-related services, including:

  • coaching and technical assistance related to the administration of state Vocational Rehabilitation agencies;
  • delivery of policy advice on the details of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014;
  • provision of Special Education advocacy, particularly with respect to the creation and development of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs);
  • provision of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) technical assistance;
  • delivery of Randolph-Sheppard Federal Vending Program consulting and Federal Arbitration services;
  • provision of Social Security advocacy, particularly with respect to the work incentive provisions of the law;
  • provision of Strategic Planning support and facilitation;
  • and delivery of grant writing; and other related services.

Additionally, Daniel Frye is available to fulfill motivational public speaking engagements, provide advocacy skills training, and offer professional-level training in all of the disciplines noted previously.

In early August 2018, Daniel Frye joined Aira Tech Corp. as its Director—Public Sector Engagement and Strategy. In this capacity, Mr. Frye is responsible for promoting the innovative product and service solutions developed and offered by Aira to the multiple entities of the public sector in the United States, e.g. the Federal government; State government entities, including Vocational Rehabilitation agencies and Special Education districts; various departments and units of local/municipal governments; and all other potential institutional customers that may interact with the broad public sector. Additionally, as a member of the senior leadership team, Mr. Frye works closely with Aira to portray a positive image of blindness and low vision, in the context of the company’s products and services. Mr. Frye is enthusiastic about being a part of the Aira team, positioned to introduce Aira’s new and profoundly impactful technologies to the public sector. For further information about Aira, visit:

Daniel Frye served as the Executive Director of the New Jersey Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired (CBVI or Commission) from October 2013 through January 2018. In this capacity he was responsible for the overall administration and operation of the Commission, the statewide government agency charged with providing education, vocational rehabilitation, independent living, and eye-health services for the estimated 160,000 eligible residents of the state, who are blind, vision impaired, or deaf-blind.

By way of professional affiliation, Mr. Frye served as President Elect of the National Council of State Agencies for the Blind (NCSAB), the trade organization of blindness-specific Vocational Rehabilitation agencies throughout the country in 2017. Prior to his election as President Elect of NCSAB, he served as chairman of the NCSAB Randolph-Sheppard Committee. On behalf of NCSAB, Mr. Frye also served as a member of the National Advisory Board to the National Federation of the Blind Entrepreneurial Initiative.

Before his appointment at the Commission, Mr. Frye worked for the Rehabilitation Services Administration, U.S. Department of Education, where he managed the Federal Randolph-Sheppard program and served as the National Program Officer for the Helen Keller National Center for Deaf-Blind Youth and Adults (HKNC).

From September 2005 to July 2010, Mr. Frye served in successive management positions on the national staff of the National Federation of the Blind (NFB or Federation), the nation’s oldest and largest civil rights/consumer organization of blind people. Initially, Mr. Frye functioned as Manager of Affiliate Action—Advocacy and Training, where he was responsible for aspects of membership development; Vocational Rehabilitation, Americans with Disabilities Act, and Social Security training; and other policy consulting. Subsequently, Mr. Frye served as Associate Editor then Editor of the Braille Monitor, the Federation’s general-purpose, monthly publication, with a national circulation of approximately 30,000.

From 2002 to 2005, he served as National Advocate for the Association of Blind Citizens of New Zealand, responsible for managing the legislative and political programs of this grassroots civil rights organization of blind people. He began his career as a service representative and union advocate with the Social Security Administration in Auburn, Washington.

Mr. Frye earned his Juris Doctorate at the University of Washington, School of Law, and his BA in History and Government at Erskine College in Due West, South Carolina. Mr. Frye is a certified mediator. He has authored several book-length publications and numerous articles, most of these dealing with different aspects of blindness. In 2007, Governor Martin O’Malley appointed Mr. Frye to serve on the Maryland State Rehabilitation Council, the state entity responsible for oversight of the Maryland Division of Rehabilitation Services in the Maryland Department of Education. Mr. Frye served as Vice Chairman and Chairman of this council from 2009 until his resignation in October 2013.

Mr. Frye is married to Renee West and currently resides in Arlington, Virginia.